The time i most regret disobeying my parents

The time i most regret disobeying my parents

create by myself

             When i was young, I was student at high school then I disobey  my parents and i didn't intend to learn. i didn't go to at the school then i went to the Game shop (we can play computer game for a long time). There are many day in the week i went to there. There were friends in the Game shop then I felt happiness when i didn't went to the school. I learned cigarette at here with my friends then i absent a lot the school called my parents. My parents most regreted and cry me then they told me why you do it. I saw my parents was crying then i felt most regret then i obeyed my parents and i intended to learn in the school.
The time i most regret disobeying my parents The time i most regret disobeying my parents Reviewed by ฺฺBTtrapon on 11:28 Rating: 5
